Charities Capability Fund (CCF) - CCF Training Grant

Charities Capability Fund (CCF) Training Grant provides co-funding for local training courses to help charities comply with regulatory requirements and build good governance standards.

Eligibility Criteria

CCF funding is for eligible charities' staff (who have served in the Charities for at least 6 months with an official designation).

CCF Grants Coverage & Quantum

 Funding Quantum Capped at
Singaporeans/ PRs 80% of course fee $1,000 per course; or
Employment Pass/ Work Permit Holders / S Pass Holders 60% of course fee $700 per course; or


For Pre-approved Courses: Participants will pay the training provider the net course fees (after CCF funding). The training provider will claim the CCF approved funding directly from the CCF Secretariat.

Eligible Courses

  1. A225v : Accounting for Charities and Non-Profit Entities using Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) (Live Webinar)
  2. E162v : Conflict of Interests and Related Parties – Why it Matters? (Live Webinar)
  3. E122v : Ethical and Legal Considerations in Protecting your Company secrets and Customer Databases (Live Webinar)
  4. TAX214v : Non-business Activities – The GST treatment on non-business receipts and its input tax recovery (Live Webinar)


Please refer to the individual course page to find out more about the steps to enrol for course with CCF Funding.